![]() Don't forget to ask about my REFERRAL PROGRAM, this can mean $$$ in your pocket!! ................
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| Connections to local and provincial government websites:
The main CRD website has ALL their services. This is as close as we get to a government responsible for the whole the region
BUT you may now want to refer to the Victoria Real Estate Board's (VREB) map to get your geography a little clearer, and then come back here for specific information in one of the THIRTEEN municipalities that comprise this region. This VREB site also does provide a list of local links or you follow specific items here.
Individual Municipalities ----- maps ----- general services ----- community activities ----- recreation and parks:
City of Victoria, Saanich, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, View Royal, Central Saanich, North Saanich, Sidney, Langford, Colwood, Metchosin, The Highlands, Sooke. You may also need The Islands Trust for Gulf Islands information,
The best place to look for Health Services is one of the two health authorities ........ Vancouver Island HA (VIHA) and the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA). A primary service of the PHSA is the Vancouver Island Cancer Centre.
Or do you need a General Practioner (GP), or for non-emergency health information and services try Health Link BC. If you are new to the province and need to sign up for health care.
Transportation falls into a few items - flights, ferries, transit and other buses, Travel around BC.
You will have some tax information from the municipal sites, but I find the simplest way, when I am involved with specific properties that we review specific issues, ranging from HST (new properties), property transfer tax, to municipal taxes and other fees.
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