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Pemberton Holmes Partners for Life ID is PEMB012068
| | Who am I?
This is the place you expect me to tell you a history of who I am, my skills, knowledge and experience. This could be a bit lengthy and you only need to know enough right now for you to continue looking at this site and for you to give me a call or send an e.mail with some specific question or request!
My whole life has focused on construction - 10 years in the UK, and the rest in Canada. My organisational skills as well as my construction knowledge led me quickly to the management of large and complex projects. During 10 years in Vancouver I provided project management for the Children's and Women`s Hospital and moving the Art Gallery to the Old Courthouse, also for single family factory-built homes and multi family residences.
In Victoria I managed health facilities for the Ministry of Health with projects all over the province. Also managed all facilities for the Ministry for a number of years in the commercial and institutional sectors. Through my own company first in Vancouver and then in Victoria, I specialized in project management and business analysis.
Living in Victoria for over 30 years, I offer myself as YOUR consultant in Real Estate for all your Real Estate needs. I bring 11 years of experience in this market, plus Vancouver and Ucluelet
What you need to know is I am under contract to Pemberton Holmes Ltd. Pemberton Holmes is called a brokerage, which is an agency providing real estate services. As an agency in this business the company is set up to do a multitude of things for you, and I act as YOUR team leader.
In the Real Estate business there are hundreds of Licencees doing the same basic functions that I provide. We all work for an agency or brokerage.
I have always worked as a member of a Team (in Hospital design and construction one of the most complex teams that exists), and as YOUR consultant I will provide leadership on your team.
It is my job to always listen to you - tell me what you believe to be relevant
We will agree on financial parameters and timelines - no point in proceeding unless we can set these targets
I will offer options and solutions for your needs - as much or as little as you need, and
I will apply the applicable specialist management to move you from where you are now to your new home.
YOUR satisfaction is all I seek.
Thank you.
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